Wednesday, March 16, 2011

31 Day Photo Challenge - Day 12

Let's pretend that I didn't just take a ridiculous blogging hiatus and that I've been right on top of everything in my life, mmkay?

Day 12 - A photo of something I love.



I love a whole crap-ton of things, and I'm finding it difficult to decide what to write about.  I mean, literally, as I'm typing this, I'm still trying to decide: What is it that I love enough to blog about??  The ham & onion cheeseball I'm currently noshing on?  The sound of raindrops on the rooftop?  French fries?  Red Skittles?  Shel Silverstein books?

Okay, okay, I've got it!  He loves to lick everything, he destroys tennis balls on the regular, he's a 25 lb. weapon of mass destruction, and he just jumped up onto my lap and gave me a big ol' slobbery kiss. 

Turk.  Turkey Doo.  Turkmenistan.  Turk Monster.  Turkish Delight. Turkish Gold.  Pupper Doo.  My puppy-love.


Is he or is he not one of the cutest stinkin' creatures you've EVER seen???  Seriously.  It's no wonder he gets away with murder.  He's too cute.  The hubs and I can never have children because we're too ridiculously good-looking that surely our chidren will be knockouts as well, and we'll never be able to bring ourselves to discipline them.  "What's that, Tommy? You're painting a battle scene on the dining room wall with assorted condiments?  Well, that's alright, darling, because you're attractive.  And attractive people don't get in trouble on this planet.  Eat your peas.  Oh, you don't like peas? Well, by all means, leave them on your plate as a glaring reminder of all the money we waste on vegetables to keep you healthy when all you want to eat is Lucky Charms with chocolate milk.  Go ahead.  Cause you're cute.  Can I get you some Lucky Charms?  Or perhaps a candy bar would better serve you?"

I'm just kidding.  We'll beat our kids if that's what it takes to get them to eat their peas! 

Just kidding.  Again.  I don't even like peas.  I won't even buy peas.

So that's my dog.  I love him.


  1. LOL you're awesome. I liked the semi-stream of consciousness thing ya had going on. Also, I'm pretty sure the reason my first dog, Comet lived to be 14 was because I fed him my peas on the regular.

  2. He is definitely adorable. And remind me to have a talk with you before you have children ... :)

  3. So cute!!! And, you make me laugh! :)

  4. My husband likes peas. On special occasions I serve them to him. He once stated that that is how he can tell when it's actually a 'special occasion'. ;-p

    Your pup IS adorable!

    And so will your children be! But I have complete faith that the two of you will not raise totally spoiled / allowed to do what they darn well please, when they feel like doing it, type of children. You too, shall take pride in your 'mean mom' awards ;-)I wish a lot more young mothers today did!

    Your sense of sarcastic humor is wonderful!
