Sunday, February 6, 2011

31 Day Photo Challenge - Day 1

Okay, okay, so I'm gonna participate in the 31 Day Photo Challenge.  Now, I've Googled this challenge, and every list that I find is different ... so ... basically, I can decide to make each day whatever the heck I want!  Muahahahaha!

I don't know why that's so sinister ...

Day 1 - A photo of me with 10 random facts ... hmmm ...

1.  Um ... I love coffee (see picture).  I'm kind of a creamer snob, though.  I front the big bucks for liquid Coffee-mate French Vanilla creamer.  Always.  We could be on food stamps with 7 babies in diapers, and owe the IRS $1,000,000,000,000.00 and I would still buy liquid Coffee-mate French Vanilla creamer.

That perhaps was a bit of an exaggeration ... I would never have 7 babies ... but you get the idea.

2.  I have an unhealthy paranoia that I will die young and/or in a freakish way.  Car crash, house fire, rape/murder.  Seriously.  My head is a scary place.  I attribute this partly to watching too much crime TV and too many horror movies.

3.   I never thought I'd marry someone named Michael because I thought it would be weird to have a husband and a brother with the same name.  I guess God showed me, huh?

4.  I often wonder what I'll look like when I'm old.  Hopefully I don't die young in a freakish car crash, house fire, rape/murder (Imagine - I'm in a car that crashes into a burning house in which a psycho rapist/murderer is hanging out.  It could happen.).

5.  I love Quentin Tarantino movies and oddball cult classics. 

"What does Marsellus Wallace look like?!"

6.  I don't know if I want to have children.  My puppy sometimes makes me think that I do not.  Partly because he can be a pain and I think children have to be worse (I can't leave them in a cage for hours, can I?), and partly because he's so fun and affectionate and adorable - what do I need kids for?  Anyway ... I'd hate to have them just because I'm "supposed to."

7.  I fantasize about quitting my job every single day of my life.

8. I am left-handed ... and I like that about me.

9.  I've always been afraid to try drugs because I'm pretty sure I would really like them.

10.  My husband always makes fun of me and says that I'm "hood" because I know a lot of words to a lot of rap and hip-hop songs.  Evidently, that surprises people.  I don't strike them as the hip-hop type, I guess.


  1. Hey Reva,
    This is the first chance I have had to read your blog. Its very fun!! I have been blogging for a couple of years! It was easier to keep up with when I wasn't working and I had no computer issues. However, I look forward to visiting often. I have "met" some wonderful people thru this, so have fun!! :)

  2. You should have put 20 things....too short! As for your job, you know my thoughts on that!

  3. Suzanne - this is only my 2nd post, so you have very little catching up to do! :) What's the name of your blog??

    Kat - perhaps you'll learn 10 more things about me in the next 30 days! And, yes, I know your feelings about the job...I'm working on it...LOL

  4. I'm most def. With ya on #2 and #4 I'm actually concerned I think about it too often.
