Sunday, February 13, 2011

31 Day Photo Challenge - Day 7

A picture of my most treasured item.

This is my engagement ring/wedding band set (and Michael's wedding band on the bottom).  The reason I chose it as my most treasured possession is that it's irreplaceable.  My rings came from Michael's grandmother who, along with her brother, purchased the rings for her mother about 40 or so years ago.  When her mother passed away, Grandma got the rings back and held onto them for her oldest grandchild (my husband).  Funny thing is, Michael & I had started paying for a new set of rings from your run-of-the-mill mall jewelry store because he had forgotten all about his great grandmother's rings.  In early January of 2009, we went to visit Michael's grandparents and got to talking about marriage and rings and ... when Grandma showed them to me, I almost died.  I had always wanted an antique wedding ring (okay, I don't know if 40 years constitutes antique status or not, but you know what I mean - a used ring with a story behind it), but just didn't really think it was in the cards, so we started paying for new ones.  Then to find that, not only was Michael set to inherit his great grandmother's rings, but that they were GORGEOUS??  Seriously.  I don't think I could have picked better rings for myself.  They are beautiful and they are sparkly and they are unique.  There's a chip in the large center diamond and I secretly love it.  I think it gives the ring character and lends to its vintage charm.  I'd be interested to know what she (great grandmother) was doing when she chipped it. 

As a side note, I found it quite endearing that Michael proposed only about 2 weeks after we came home with the rings.  I truly hadn't expected it to happen so soon, but he just couldn't wait.  When the man knows what he wants, he gets it.  It's his M.O.

Michael's ring was also given to us by his grandmother, and had previously belonged to a family friend.  His is actually sort of triangular in shape, which is supposed to keep it from spinning around his finger.  At first, he found it sort of uncomfortable, but seems to have gotten used to it.

Love our rings.  Love our love.

Okay, now for the fun part.  I've been told that if you step back and look at this photo from a little bit of a distance, it looks like a ship on the horizon of a very calm body of water.  Chew on that - it's delicious.


  1. Boat on water! I think I was the first to see it. :)

  2. I enjoyed your blog :-) Yes, I did read back through all of your entries thus far! I liked how you allowed yourself to be you in them! The Reva I love!

    I did not attempt to see the boat on the water. I am improving, but not to that type of a point yet.

    I'm subscribing to your blog - hope that's okay! :->

  3. I LOVE that story! It's one that you'll tell your kids, and their kids.... So neat :)
