Tuesday, February 15, 2011

31 Day Photo Challenge - Day 8

I skipped another day ... so sue me.

Day 8 - A photo that makes me laugh.
This sad little display is from my sister and her fiance's birthdays last year.  Her birthday is the day before his, so my mom made one cake for the both of them ... and the thing was just pathetic (Mom, I swear, I love you, but a gem like this cannot remain unmocked!).  LOL  It was all sunken and flat and ... just awful!  So when she asked me to "decorate" the cake, this is what happened.

Listen, those silly little frosting tubes are not made for legible handwriting.  Which, truthfully, just added to the hilarity.  Probably didn't help that I was hysterical the whole time I was trying to "decorate" this ridiculous cake-tastrophe (I just made that up). 

This makes me LOL every time I look at it ... I hope you LOLed too :D


  1. I seem to LOL at many of your and your mother's shenanigans. The line "Tell me about the shirt I'm wearing" comes to mind.

  2. Bahaha, awesome! You guys wanna do my wedding cake?

  3. I'm not sure you can afford us and our mad cake-making/decorating skills, Hellay. LOL

    I actually did laugh out loud (once again) when I saw this picture.

    So happy I can bring laughter to so many with my pathetic, but heartfelt, attempt at being the Next Great Baker.
