Monday, February 21, 2011

31 Day Photo Challenge - Day 9

Oy.  It's been nearly a week since I've blogged...making Day 9 actually fall on, like, Day 16.  Ah happens and I believe I warned you at the beginning that this was a blog of little guarantee.

On to the business at hand - A photo of the person who has gotten me through the most.  I have selected my beloved husband for this one.  While we've only known each other 970 short days, he's wiped a lot of my tears, made me laugh till my guts hurt, and promised to love me till death do we part (and looked smokin' hot doing it).


  1. This photo makes me tear up, I love your guys' love.

  2. I know, right?! *SIGH* Look at the way he looks at me!!
