Wednesday, February 9, 2011

31 Day Photo Challenge - Day 4

A photo of my night.  To me, this seems oddly worded, but I can only assume that I am supposed to display pictures representing my night...tonight.  So...okay...Michael & I went to Costco and ya go.

Wait for it...


 Ridiculously good-looking couple!


Wholesale shopping!


Evil corporate empire! 

...I don't know where that came from...

I will take this opportunity to explain why we drove 20 minutes from our house to get groceries when we live 5 minutes from a Meijer:  God provides in unexpected ways.  My husband lost his job last month and we are...well...really poor now.  We were very nearly out of food to eat and had no idea how we were going to buy groceries.  BUT -- ta da!!!!  Michael remembered the Costco Cash card he had received when we returned the TV we originally purchased and replaced it with a similar, but slightly less expensive one (so Costco gave us a card with the difference on it).  AND we remembered the Target gift cards that we had received as wedding gifts.  So, we've got chicken nuggets to last us a lifetime and I got a 75 gallon drum of oatmeal for $4 from Costco (have I ever mentioned my love for gross exaggerations??).  I have shampoo and conditioner and ... my husband spoils me absolutely rotten because I also got the completely unnecessary but BELOVED Coke Zero.  So, life goes on, and I trust that God will continue to provide for us and, hopefully, he'll bring the hubs to a new place of employment.  If not, we're gonna have to hope that Bed, Bath, & Beyond starts selling food, cause those are the only gift cards we have left :)  He he he...


  1. Sorry to hear about Michael's job. Have you thought of trying couponing? I save at least 50%, usually more like 75% on my groceries and household items by using coupons and stocking up with good deals!

  2. I was hoping "Evil corporate empire" would be followed by another picture of Costco...
